Monday, September 24, 2012



I'd like to welcome you to our humble mumblings about the blessings God has given us, our quest to draw closer to Him and our love for getting healthier while enjoying the amazing foods God has created for us.  My sister, Kimb, and I are just two moms who are growing each day in love and knowledge.  We have a passion for creating great food, sharing that with others and helping one another grow in our relationships with God.  

Just in the past six months or so, we both were convicted by God to eat more naturally.  We have discovered what a lot of processed foods, as well as meat with added hormones and antibiotics, have been doing to our bodies. Not only has unhealthy eating made us put on extra pounds over the years, but it has contributed to hormone problems, pain and mood swings.  Yuck!  When we started changing what we put into our bodies, all of a sudden, it was changing how we acted, how we felt and how we grew with God.

So, if you would like, join us on our journey to healthier living--physically, emotionally, relationally, financially and spiritually.  We certainly haven't learned it all and we struggle daily with health in all these areas.  But, we will try together to improve daily to see blessings in our lives as well as the lives of our families and all who God touches along the way!
