Thursday, October 4, 2012

Depression Defeater


Here's what happens to me when I am down on myself and down on life.  I get irritated, I get angry and I get sad.  I think I'm worthless to God, my family and friends.  It seems that I forget how to even plug back into the source of joy (the Holy Spirit) and then it is just a downward spiral.  But, this is what I've learned in the last couple years of fighting this battle.  

Depression is getting down on ourselves and our situations.  And, when we are focused on ourselves, not on God or others, it is sin.   I know this seems like a drastic jump.  And you might say, "But, I just can't help it.  I don't WANT to feel this way.  I see no way out."  But, I want to give you a few tools that have helped me.  After all, Romans 12:2 says, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."


So, let's think about the customs of this world with depression.  


1.  Medicate.  

Usually, this means getting a prescription from the doctor and letting the pill chemically alter the brain.  Sadly, this comes with many side effects and is hard to find the perfect balance for each person.  One of the major things that shocks me when I read the side effects is suicide.  You're telling me that one of the side effects of my depression meds is suicide?  That's exactly what I'm trying to get away from!!

2.  Feeding the flesh to avoid the depression. 

 For me, this usually has been running to a fast food joint and overeating because since I feel so bad, I deserve it!  This could be going out and getting high or trashed.  Maybe it's even going and doing a little retail therapy to give yourself what you want.  Everyone has something they run to that is not God when it gets rough.

3.  Dwelling on bad thoughts.  

When I get depressed, I usually journal.  I pour it all out on paper or my iPad.  Some people call up their best friend and talk about how much their life stinks and how horrible they are as a person.  Some people simply sit around and cry, dwelling on their feelings.

4.  Sleep

Have you ever wanted to just spend your whole day sleeping to avoid life? Enough said.

Now, let's let God transform us by changing the way we think!


1.  Medicate through the natural foods that God has given us.  

He created everything to give us nourishment and healing in our bodies.  I have learned that if I am feeling down, instead of following my instinct of hitting a drive-thru, I will go make myself a smoothie.  Getting some really good nutrients into my body is simply amazing for changing the way I feel!  I have had to change my thinking and reject my old habits by trying this first.  I love changing up the fruits, but I always want to pack it with fruit, throw in some of my favorite protein powder (I use Melaleuca's because they use natural ingredients) and use my almond milk.  If I need it sweeter, I add some honey or stevia, both natural sweeteners.

The ingredients for this great smoothie is simply frozen strawberries, peach slices, honey and vanilla almond milk.  Oh, and a scoop of my vanilla protein powder too!  Not only was it super tasty, but it helped pull me out of a funk!  I have started trying to begin my day with a smoothie every morning to get my metabolism rolling and feed my body and brain with some good stuff.  :)
If a smoothie isn't available or not doing the trick, here is another easy remedy.  Take a handful of cashews and scarf them!  I buy the great big cans or jars at Aldi or Sam's Club and have them always available.  In fact, when I was constantly in a funk, I kept little snack size bags of cashews in my purse.  Cashews are a natural anti-depressant. :)

2.  Deny the flesh and feed the spirit!  

Romans 12:1 says, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him."  Offer your bodies to God.  Deny yourself and you will be shocked to find freedom when your step outside of yourself to love God and others.  In fact, instead of running out and overeating, overspending or getting wasted, try doing what seems unnatural.  Help out someone in need.  Someone may need flowers, a word of encouragement, or even a meal to eat.  Give of yourself to worship God with your body.

3.  Dwell on what is good.  

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  This means we need to catch those thoughts that are lies from ourselves or the enemy and throw them out.  Replace them with the truth that comes from the Word of God.  Remember the truth of how God created you and how you were fearfully and wonderfully made by Him.

Also, Philippians 4:8b says, "Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."  Just give it a try...only think on these things.  In fact, try making a list and only writing down these things about yourself and your situation.  Pretty soon, you will be so thankful to God for blessing you that your troubles seem to fade into the background.

4.  Instead of sleeping, try exercising.  

I know, this sounds crazy.  But, exercise is so good for our bodies.  It gets natural endorphins released into our system that gets us rolling and feeling better, even happier!  In fact, it is the same thing that happens when we are madly in love.  Can you believe that you can achieve this by simply going to the gym?  Plus, for many people, this is a great source of mental clarity.  The depression fog lifts and you may be able to focus on God and what He wants to change in your life. Win!

Now, let's go defeat depression and see this world changed, one life at a time!



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